Who stops the sweatshops?

I’ve studied my field, body image, for the last 6 years. I have published, presented and gave media interviews about how important a topic it is. I completed my, 90,000 word PhD in it last year. And since then I have had time to reflect and I’m not sure that what I was doing was right. I’ll step back. What are we, as body dissatisfaction or beauty impact researchers, hoping to achieve through our research? I believe it is ultimately to make the world a little more just. We know the consequences of unrealistic beauty ideals. We know how people tend to dislike their appearance. We know this impacts our wellbeing, relationships and aspirations in myriad ways. Ultimately we want our research to point out that this is a problem, is suffering, is an injustice and needs remedy (or justice). Nancy Fraser (2001) says that justice can only be achieved when both of the following are undone: 1) misrecognition,“[the] institutionalized patterns of cultural value [that] constitute som...