Cancer, My Body and Me
In today’s world, it can often feel like society writes the main definition of beauty for us, and in doing so gives a template for the ‘ideal’ body. From an early age, we are surrounded by images in the media, placed there for us to absorb and aspire to. It is perhaps not all negative; on some level I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be curious to and inspired by what we see around us. To me, the problem arises when doing so results in us bringing comparison into the mix and moving further away from who we are. Growing up I can recall so many moments of wanting to know and follow the latest fashion trend and wishing I looked, or didn’t look, a certain way. Fast forward to 2016 when I was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer at the age of 27 and my relationship with my body and appearance changed almost overnight. It was only a matter of days before I was to enter the world of chemotherapy, surgery and menopause; all which came with their own set of physical and emotional side ...