Making an Appearance: Beauty Demands and Performance Work

Trigger warning: this post discusses issue related to body-image and includes references to disordered eating. Earlier this year, Game of Thrones and Bodyguard actor, Richard Madden , criticised the "unrealistic" appearance demands facing performers. He reported having had "numerous jobs where you're told to lose weight and get to the gym" and recounted doing the "barely eating, working-out-twice-a-day, no-carbing thing" ahead of filming certain scenes. Madden is not alone in his concerns about the appearance expectations facing performers. Stars including Jennifer Lawrence , James Corden , and the late Carrie Fisher have all spoken out about appearance-pressures in the film industry. But it's not just celebrities who experience these kinds of demands. The findings of the "Making an Appearance" research project highlighted the widespread nature of appearance-pressures facing people across the performance industries. Making a...