'Strong, thick and shiny’: a story of hair and beauty ideals

With hair salons closed in many countries under lockdown, reports say there is a boom in " bootleg home-visit haircuts ". We revisit this lovely post from Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra in 2018, exploring the significance of hair. ‘ Will you please put a comb through your hair? You look like a madwoman’. This admonition from my mother, which echoed through my teen age years with troubling regularity, was delivered in a tone filled with exasperation and incredulity. That an otherwise seemingly reasonable young girl would want to pass as insane, was beyond her understanding. But I get ahead of myself. When my respectable, middle-class Bengali parents left India for Europe in the early 70’s, they packed a few essentials otherwise not found across the seven seas. These included some mundane items, such as a terrifying screaming pressure cooker and carefully folded silk saris guarded by moth-balls. But more importantly, they brought with them the norms, standards and traditio...